Step-by-Step Guide to Upgrade from Proxmox VE 8.1 to 8.2.2

By | September 29, 2024

Certainly! I’ll guide you through the process of upgrading your Proxmox VE 8.1 installation to Proxmox VE 8.2.2 on your Dell R810 server. Since you’ve already installed PVE 8.1 and started editing your /etc/apt/sources.list, I’ll provide detailed steps to ensure a smooth upgrade.

Step 1: Edit the APT Sources List

You’ll need to add the Proxmox VE repository to your APT sources list.

  1. Open the Sources List File:
   nano /etc/apt/sources.list
  1. Add the Proxmox VE ‘No-Subscription’ Repository: At the end of the file, add the following line:
   deb bookworm pve-no-subscription

This repository is for users without a Proxmox subscription. If you have a subscription, you should use the enterprise repository instead.

  1. Save and Exit:
  • Press Ctrl + X to exit the editor.
  • Press Y to confirm saving changes.
  • Press Enter to confirm the file name.

Step 2: Add the Proxmox VE Repository Key

To authenticate packages from the Proxmox repository, you need to add the repository’s GPG key.

  1. Download and Add the Key:
   wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg

This command downloads the GPG key and places it in the trusted keys directory.

Step 3: Update Package Lists

Refresh your package lists to include packages from the newly added repository:

apt-get update

Step 4: Upgrade the System

Perform a full system upgrade to update all packages to their latest versions.

  1. Upgrade Packages:
   apt-get dist-upgrade
  • The dist-upgrade command intelligently handles changing dependencies, including installing new packages or removing obsolete ones.
  1. Monitor the Upgrade Process:
  • During the upgrade, you might be prompted about configuration changes or services that need to be restarted.
  • Read each prompt carefully and respond as appropriate. If unsure, you can usually accept the default option.

Step 5: Reboot the Server

After the upgrade completes, reboot your server to apply all changes:


Step 6: Verify the Upgrade

Once the server is back online, confirm that you’re running Proxmox VE 8.2.2.

  1. Check Proxmox Version:
   pveversion -v
  • This command displays the current version of Proxmox VE and its components.
  • Look for entries that indicate version 8.2.2.
  1. Access the Web Interface:
  • Open your web browser and navigate to your Proxmox VE server’s IP address.
  • Log in and verify that the web interface is functioning correctly.

Additional Considerations

  • Backup Important Data: Before performing major upgrades, it’s a good practice to back up any critical data or configurations.
  • Check for Held Packages:
  apt-mark showhold
  • If any packages are held back, you can unhold them using: apt-mark unhold package-name
  • Resolve Potential Issues:
  • If you encounter dependency problems, you can attempt to fix them with: apt --fix-broken install
  • Review Change Logs:
  • Familiarize yourself with changes between versions by reviewing the Proxmox VE release notes.

Understanding the Process

  • Why This Method Works:
  • Installing Proxmox VE 8.1 ensures compatibility with your Dell R810 hardware.
  • Upgrading via APT allows you to incrementally update packages, which can help avoid compatibility issues present in the 8.2 ISO installer.
  • The PERC700H RAID controller may require drivers or kernel modules that are better handled during an upgrade rather than during a fresh installation.

Common Issues and Solutions

  • Missing GPG Key Error:
  • If you receive an error about a missing GPG key during apt-get update, ensure you’ve correctly added the Proxmox repository key as described in Step 2.
  • Subscription Notices:
  • Since you’re using the pve-no-subscription repository, you might see a notice about not having a subscription when accessing the web interface. This is normal and does not affect functionality.
  • Network Configuration:
  • After upgrading, double-check your network settings to ensure that network interfaces are configured correctly.


By following these steps, you should be able to upgrade your Proxmox VE installation from 8.1 to 8.2.2 successfully. This approach circumvents the installation issues you’ve encountered with the 8.2 ISO on your Dell R810 server.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with any of the steps, feel free to ask!

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